Do you have shipments abroad?
We ship internationally. Shipments are shipped via DHL Express and FedEx Express
Our products include fees and taxes, listed prices are USD. You may have local customs import taxes when your package arrives in your country. Prices vary depending on the value of the goods, what they are made of and where they are manufactured (All countries have different regulations on this so we cannot choose you know exactly what taxes you may have to pay as this is determined based on the importing local customs officials). Now you also have to pay but it’s important to understand the duty services in your country in case you are charged a fee to avoid any surprises.
Note: If you decide not to pay customs or import fees and choose to reject the package, you will not receive a refund for your order.
How to get support as quickly as possible?
 For more detailed information, please message via facebook or instagram @chocoo.official for the fastest support

What are the payment methods?
You can use credit cards, and Apple Pay

How do I find the right size without trying?
You can easily find your own body through the “Body Table” and product descriptions on the product pages.
Additionally, you can contact us directly via facebook or instagram : chocoo.oficial
What should I pay attention to when receiving the product?
Packages that you believe are damaged during shipping
open and check in front of the cargo authority. If there is any damage to the product
do not receive the product by submitting a report to the cargo company, if any.
What are the Exchange and Return conditions for products purchased from showroom?
We can support changing sizes or samples within 5 days from the date you receive the goods. You insure all conversion costs. In addition, you can contact us via facebook or instagram to get a specific quote on costs
Are the sold-out products replenished?
You can contact us directly via facebook or instagram for further support and advice on pre-oder
How can I track the status of my order?
If you have signed up to our website before making your purchase, you can track the status of your order on your Account page.
My order has been shipped. How can I check its status?
You can track your order with the cargo tracking code sent to the e-mail address you ordered with
I’ve placed my order. What happens next?
Your order will be shipped within 5-15 working days. (Shipping time may vary with some specialty products. You can see the delivery times for the products from the product detail page.)
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+84 96 871 61 68

214Bis Võ Văn Tần, P.5, Q.3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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